How to Heal Your Money Mindset: Coach Christine Walsh Weighs In
by Jordan Page, CPC, ELI-MP
Oct 29, 2020 | 3 minutes read
When you hear the word “money,” what comes up for you?
Do you feel uncomfortable or "icky?" Like there’s never enough of it? Or maybe you stick your fingers in your ears and hum—preferring not to even think about it?
The belief systems you have in your life, built upon the experiences you’ve had, ultimately lead to how you relate to money.
How can you create a more abundant mindset about money? (Or just feel comfortable enough to talk about it in the first place?)
Christine Walsh, a money mindset strategist and speaker, uses her 25+ years of experience in finance and accounting to help women business owners master their inner-money game so they can step into their full financial power and potential.
2020 has created big shifts for everyone in how they view money, make money, save money, have money. According to Christine, you have the opportunity to use this time to review those belief systems and release anything that’s not serving you.
How do you do that? Check out this episode of the Energy Explorer Live Series to find out!
Hear how Christine uses her experience and her training as a coach to help others transform the way they think and feel about money.
You’ll also find a transcribed excerpt from their conversation below.
This interview is part of iPEC’s Energy Explorer Live Series, which highlights members of the iPEC Coach Community who are using their talents, drive, and highest selves in order to live their purpose.
Christine Walsh: Money brings us opportunities when we look at it from a more conscious point of view, versus what we've been taught. That's what I feel is the most root problem for many of us is that we haven't been taught about money and how to create it and how to be in alignment with it. And that creates fear and uncertainty.
Jenny Wiley: What are some of those common limiting beliefs or fears that you see pop up when you start working with clients around money?
Christine Walsh: I think one of the big ones is they “don't deserve” it.
[People think] 'I don't deserve to have financial success because of many different reasons—my family doesn't have it and I'll be judged, [or] if I make more money and there's other people out in the world that are suffering and don't have money, why should I make it?'
It really boils down to our own self trust and our own self love and our own self esteem. “Does that mean that somebody else goes without?” is what really boils down to. And when I feel like I don't deserve it, it's because I'm obviously thinking about someone else.
Which is awesome because that underlines your values! You know, a lot of times our most limiting beliefs are us hugging our values so closely that we’re using limiting beliefs to sort of mask the truth of it. And so I invite anyone to feel into whether they have that myth going on, that limiting belief, if you will, around, “I don't deserve to be wealthy.”
Open up to the idea that that we all get to be [wealthy]; it's not that you get it, and somebody else doesn't. We all have that abundance as a birthright inside of us miracles. We wouldn't be walking this earth if we weren't a walking miracle. And there's a miracle every day. And so that abundance, that prosperity, is already within us and it feels good. It feels like walking your truth.
I very much stand for [people] understanding their relationship to money emotionally as well as practically, that's for sure.
"We know the numbers and everything, but money is emotional too."
Jenny Wiley: I think about my own money story and what I experienced when I was younger. We didn't talk about money. And if there were issues about money, it created conflict. I highly value balance and contentment and having things feel balanced is the main thing, and so for a long time I didn't talk about money because I thought that if I did, it would create more conflict—and that that was in direct conflict with my value of wanting to feel balance in my life.
Christine Walsh: Absolutely! I love that connection. You know, many of us were not taught how to do money or how to talk about it. And within that a lot of shame and guilt can build up around it and shame breeds from silence and not talking about it. And that's why I feel it's very important for us to have conversations around money.
And so that's why I'm so grateful for the opportunity to share here. As for everyone who's on watching, maybe [you can] get a glimmer of another way of doing money:
The more that we do our money work, the more freedom we have in many different other areas of our lives because of the ripple effect.
Money is something I know I work with daily, not only just as a money coach, but just going through my day to day life. I mean, I'm always talking about money. It is an exchange for something else . . . so opening up to that idea that we can look at this differently is, even in that awareness, a choice. And it's a perspective shift and it might, you know, who knows what comes of that.
Jenny Wiley: Yeah, I'm definitely hearing two really strong points right now that I just want to make sure everyone who's watching is hearing. There is the point of understanding what money means to you right now and building awareness around that. But then also expanding the possibilities for what money can mean to you, so that you can start to look at new beliefs and understand it in a different way.
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