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Your Desire for Impact is Greater Than Your Fear, with Melody Pourmoradi

“Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage.”

Have you ever seen We Bought a Zoo? Matt Damon’s quote in the movie reminds us that everything we desire and seek outside our comfort zone is attainable, if we choose to act. 

This requires the belief that your desire for impact is greater than your fear. If you’re looking for some ideas on how to start putting your toe past that boundary of your comfort zone, iPEC Certified Professional Coach, Melody Pourmoradi, can help. 

Melody is the creator of the GiRLiFE Certification Program; a program that trains women to create income-generating girls empowerment workshops. She shared with iPEC Admissions Coach, Carla Greengrass, how you can shift yourself into that space of courage and seek outside of your comfort zone. 

Because in order to create your soul-centered business, this bravery is required every single day. 


This interview is part of iPEC’s Energy Explorer Live Series, which highlights members of the iPEC Coach Community who are using their talents, drive, and highest selves in order to live their purpose.

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